Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Health Care Reform - Busting The 3 Biggest Myths Of ObamaCare

Health Care Reform - Busting The 3 Biggest Myths Of ObamaCare
In the last few months we've seen a lot of Wellness Proper care Change guidelines being introduced by the Wellness and Human Services Department. Whenever that happens, the press gets hold of it and all kinds of articles are written in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Periods, and the TV network news applications discuss it. All the experts begin talking about the benefits and drawbacks, and what it indicates to companies and individuals.

The problem with this is, frequently one writer looked at the control, and had written a piece about it. Then other writers begin using pieces from that first content and spinning parts to fit their content. By enough time the information gets distributed, the actual guidelines and guidelines get turned and altered, and what actually shows up in the press sometimes just doesn't truly represent the truth of what the guidelines say.

There's a lot of misconception about what is going on with ObamaCare, and one of the factors that I've noticed in conversations with customers, is that there's an underlying set of misconceptions that individuals have picked up about health care reform that just aren't real. But because of all they've heard in the press, individuals believe these misconceptions are actually real.

Today we're going to discuss three misconceptions I hear most commonly. Not everybody considers these misconceptions, but enough do, and others are unsure what to believe, so it warrants dispelling these misconceptions now.

The first one is that health care reform only impacts without insurance individuals. The second one is that Medical health insurance strategy advantages and the Medical health insurance strategy system isn't going to be suffering from health care reform. And then the last one is that health care reform is going to decrease the expenses of medical care.

Health Proper care Change Only Affects Uninsured

Let's look at the first belief about health care reform only affecting without insurance individuals. In a lot of the conversations I have with customers, there are several expression they use: "I already have protection, so I won't be suffering from ObamaCare," or "I'll just keep my grandfathered health insurance strategy protection strategy," and the last one - and this one I can give them a little bit of flexibility, because aspect of what they're saying is real -- is "I have team health insurance strategy protection, so I won't be suffering from health care reform."

Well, the truth is that health care reform is actually going to impact everybody. Beginning in 2014, we're going to have a whole new set of health applications, and those applications have very rich advantages with lots of specs that the existing applications these days don't offer. So these new applications are going to be more costly.

Health Proper care Reform's Impact On People With Wellness Insurance

People that currently have health insurance strategy protection are going to be changed into these new applications sometime in 2014. So the covered will be straight suffering from this because the applications they have these days are going away, and they will be planned into a new ObamaCare strategy in 2014.

Health Proper care Change Impact On The Uninsured

The without insurance have an additional issue in that if they don't get health insurance strategy protection in 2014, they face a require charge. Some of the healthier without insurance are going to look at that charge and say, "Well, the charge is 1% of my adjusted gross income; I create $50,000, so I'll pay a $500 charge or $1,000 for health insurance strategy protection. In that case I'll just take the charge." But either way, they will be straight suffering from health care reform. Through the require it impacts the covered as well as the without insurance.

Health Proper care Change Impact On People With Grandfathered Wellness Plans

People that have grandfathered family health insurance strategy protection protection are not going to be straight suffering from health care reform. But because of the life-cycle of their grandfathered health strategy, it's going to create those applications more costly as they discover that there are applications available now that they can easily transfer to that have a better set of advantages that would be more beneficial for any serious health issues they may have.

For individuals who stay in those grandfathered applications, the share of subscribers in the strategy are going to begin to contract, and as that happens, the price of those grandfathered family health insurance strategy protection protection will improve even faster than they are now. Therefore, individuals in grandfathered health applications will also be affected by ObamaCare.

Health Proper care Change Impact On People With Group Wellness Insurance

The last one, the little number of marketplace, is going to be the most notably suffering from health care reform. Even though the concern reform guidelines primarily impact huge and medium-sized organizations, and organizations that have 50 or more workers, smaller organizations will also be affected, even though they're exempt from ObamaCare itself.

What many surveys and surveys are beginning to show is that some of the companies that have 10 or less workers are going to look seriously at their option to fall health insurance strategy protection protection altogether, and no longer have it as an expense of the company. Instead, they will have their workers get health insurance strategy protection through the strategy protection transactions.

In reality, some of the carriers are now saying they anticipate that up to 50% of little groups with 10 or less workers are going to fall their own insurance strategy protection strategy sometime between 2014 and 2016. That will have a very huge influence on all individuals who have team health insurance strategy protection, especially if they're in one of those companies that fall health insurance strategy protection protection.

It's not just without insurance that are going to be suffering from health care reform, everybody is going to be affected.

Health Proper care Change Will Not Affect Medicare

The next belief was that health care reform would not impact Medical health insurance strategy. This one is type of crazy because right from the very get-go, the most notable reduces were specifically targeting the Medical health insurance strategy system. When you look at Medicare's aspect of the overall government, you can see that in 1970, Medical health insurance strategy was 4% of the U.S. government price range, and by 2011, it had expanded to 16% of the government price range.

If we look at it over the last 10 decades, from 2002 to 2012, Medical health insurance strategy is the fastest increasing aspect of the major right applications in the government, and it's expanded by almost 70% during that period period.

Because of how huge Medical health insurance strategy is and how fast it's increasing, it's one of the key applications that ObamaCare is trying to get a handle on, so it doesn't bankrupts the U.S. Medical health insurance strategy is going to be affected, and actually the preliminary reduces to Medical health insurance strategy have already been set at about $716 billion dollars.

Medicare Benefits Cuts And The Effects

Of that $716 billion dollars cut, the Medical health insurance strategy Benefits system gets cut the most, and will see the bulk of the consequences. What that's going to do is improve the prices individuals pay for their Medical health insurance strategy Benefits applications, and decrease the advantages of those applications.

Increased Medical health insurance strategy Benefits Costs

Right now, many individuals choose Medical health insurance strategy Benefits applications because they have zero top quality. When given a option on Medical health insurance strategy applications, they view it as an easy option because it's a free system for them, "Sure, I get Medical health insurance strategy advantages, I don't pay anything for it; why not." Now they're going to see Medical health expenses begin to climb, and go from zero to $70, $80, $90, $100. We've already seen that with some of the Blue Cross Medical health insurance strategy Benefits applications this season. It's going to get worse as we go forward later on.

Reduced Medical health insurance strategy Benefits Benefits

In purchase to minimize the top quality increases, what many Medical health insurance strategy Benefits applications will do is improve the copayments, improve the deductibles, and change the co-insurance prices. To be able to keep the prices down, they'll just push more of the expenses onto the Medical health insurance strategy Benefits individuals. Improved prices and decreased advantages are what we're going to see coming in Medical health insurance strategy Benefits strategy.

Fewer Medical health insurance strategy Physicians

And then if that wasn't bad enough, as Medical health insurance strategy doctors begin receiving reduced and reduced payments for Medical health insurance strategy Benefits individuals, they're going to quit taking new Medical health insurance strategy Benefits individuals. We're going to see the share of doctors to support individuals in Medical health insurance strategy beginning to contract as well, unless changes are created over the course of the next five decades. So Medical health insurance strategy is going to be affected, and it's going to be affected dramatically by health care reform. Every person's type of on tingling, waiting to see what's going to occur there.

Health Proper care Change Will Reduce Healthcare Costs

The last one, and probably the biggest belief about health care reform, is everybody thinking that ObamaCare will decrease medical care expenses. That's completely junk. Early on in the process, when they were trying to come up with the guidelines, the focus and one of the goals for reform was to decrease medical care expenses.

But somewhere along the line, the goal actually moved from price decrease to control of the strategy protection industry. Once they created that conversion, they pushed price reductions to the back burner. There are some little price decrease components in ObamaCare, but the real focus is on controlling health insurance strategy protection. The new applications, for example, have much better advantages than many applications today: better advantages indicates better prices.

Health Proper care Change Subsidies: Will They Make Plans Affordable?

A lot of individuals hope, "The financial assistance are going to create family health insurance strategy protection protection more cost-effective, won't they?" Yes, in some cases the financial assistance will help to create the applications cost-effective for individuals. But if you create $1 too much, the cost-effective applications are suddenly going to become very costly and can price lots of money more over the course of a season. Will a subsidy create it cost-effective or not cost-effective is really subject to debate presently. We're going to have to actually see what the prices look like for these applications.

New Wellness Proper care Change Taxation Passed On To Consumers

Then there's a whole ton of new health care reform taxes that have been added into the system to help pay for ObamaCare. That indicates everybody who has any adverse health insurance strategy protection strategy, whether it's in a huge team, a little number of, or just as an individual, is going to be subject to taxes to be able to pay for the price of reform. Health care reform adds various taxes on health care that insurance strategy providers will have to collect and pay, but they're just going to pass it right through to us, the consumer.

Mandate Won't Reduce Uninsured Very Much

During the preliminary decades of health care reform, the require is actually fairly weak. The require says that everyone must get health insurance strategy protection or pay a charge (a tax). What that's going to do is create healthier individuals just sit on the side lines and wait for the require to get to the factor where it finally forces them to buy health insurance strategy protection. Those who serious health issues that couldn't get health insurance strategy protection previously, are all going to jump into medical care at the beginning of 2014.

At the end of that season, the price for the applications is going to go up in 2015. I can guarantee that that's going to occur, because the young healthier individuals are not going to be motivated to get into the applications. They won't see the benefit of joining an costly strategy, whereas the constantly ill individuals are going to get into the applications and drive the expenses up.

Health Proper care Reform's Purpose Is Just A Matter Of Semantics

The last aspect of this is, one of the key factors - and it's crazy, I saw it for the first two decades, 2010, and '11 - one of the key factors that was listed in the documentation from the Current was: Wellness Proper care Change would help decrease the price that we would see later on if we do nothing these days. That was highlighted over and over again. That was how they presented health care price decrease, that it would decrease the long run expenses. Not these days, but it would decrease what we would pay later on if we did nothing about it now.

Well, that's great, 10 decades from now we're going to pay less than we might have paid. And we all know how accurate upcoming forecasts usually are. In the meantime, we're all paying more these days, and we're going to pay even more in 2014 and more in 2015 and 2016. Everyone is going to be fairly upset about that.
Health Care Reform - Busting The 3 Biggest Myths Of ObamaCare


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